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Read more about how to support bee populations with your purchase of Medex food supplements!
Read more about how to support bee populations with your purchase of Medex food supplements!
The ageing process is the focus of many research institutions, such as the Max Planck Institute. Large tech companies provide an enormous budget to try to find answers to questions such as: Why do we age? How do we even know that we are ageing? We...
Every woman deals with the challenges of everyday life differently. Micronutrients are an important building block for energy and wellbeing.
Lots of people are looking to gain more muscle. Whether they are doing so for their health, to feel more confident or for purely aesthetic reasons, here are some tips for doing it right!
In winter we lack energy, are sick more often and are more prone to depression. Dietary supplements might help with these issues.
Antioxidants protect the body and support the immune system by trapping free radicals. Therefore antioxidants are considered an anti-aging agent. They prevent oxidative stress, which is the main cause for cell aging. Due to the body being unable...
A cramp in the calf is the most recognizable sign of a magnesium deficiency, however, it is not the only one. These range from fatigue to depression and all the way through infections. Today, more and more people suffer from magnesium deficiency,...
Vitamins are organic molecules that the human body does not use for energy, but for vital functions. Since the body cannot produce most of these vitamins, they must be absorbed through our food. One member of this group is vitamin E.
Many substances that the human body needs daily can be manufactured by the body herself. Sometimes these substances must be gained through our food. Essential fatty acids are of very great importance to the body because a deficiency can be...
Vitamin A, B, C, D, E ... everyone has heard of these vitamins. But vitamin K? Never heard of it! Vitamin K is, however, of great importance to the body. If you have too little of it in your blood, your blood won't clot properly, which can lead to...
Royal jelly is a very special substance. It is produced and used by bees exclusively for the feeding of future queens. As a result, the queen larva grow MUCH larger than the worker bee larvae in a very short time. This effect has led to beliefs...
Mother's Day is a holiday that is celebrated all over the world. With this holiday comes the age old question: what to get for a Mother's Day gift? How can you show her your love? Try a gift of good energy and well-being. How could this work? Try...
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