Magazine - VitalAbo 2025-03-28T08:25:20+01:00Zend_Feed_Writer uk@vitalabo.com uk@vitalabo.com's bees: Famous since the 18th
Bees have been kept for centuries in Slovenia. In the 18th century,
Slovenian Anton Janša was the first beekeeping
teacher at the court of Maria Theresa, an Austrian queen. His
methods for keeping bees were considered revolutionary and
triggered a real beekeeping boom.Global ambassadors
Although many things have changed since the 18th centuries,
Slovenians are still passionate about keeping bees. Within Europe,
Slovenia has the highest number of beekeepers per capita. It is
therefore logical that the initiative for World Bee Day came from
Slovenia. Since 2017, May 20 has been known as
World Bee Day, which is celebrated on Anton Janša's birthday.Slovenia's Carniolian honey bees (Apis
mellifera carnica) are famous for the products produced using their
honey and pollen, and also draw their own share of tourists. Every
year, we become more and more aware of how important bees are for
our ecosystems, as well as the threats they face from environmental
toxins.Better quality of life
Today, the Slovenian company Medex is considered
the market leader in the production of food supplements based on
honey bee products like propolis, royal jelly or pollen. Medex's
state-of-the-art laboratory technology transforms the valuable raw
materials the Carniolan bees produce into unique products. The
liquid propolis supplements are a flagship product
that defines Medex, as does the glass vials their products come in.
Both innovations keep the ingredients stable, allowing customers to
rely on the best possible quality.All products can also be used to support targeted
apitherapy. This is the medical application of
propolis, bee air, bee venom, beeswax and honey in a gentle way to
improve your quality of life.Commitment to bees & people
Medex supports World Bee Day. In December 2022,
UNESCO recognised Slovenia's beekeeping
tradition as an Immaterial Cultural Heritage of
Humanity.Around 200,000 colonies of Carniolan bees are currently
cultivated in Slovenia, focusing on breeding queen bees. Carniolan
bees evolved from Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) and are known
for their gentleness, excellent sense of orientation, weather
resistance and high yields of honey.As a consumer, you have the opportunity to support bees by
purchasing certain products. If you are interested in bee products
such as honey or propolis, choose socially and sustainably
oriented companies. In this way, you indirectly support
protecting bees and bee research.Bees are one of the oldest farm animals: For about 15,000 years,
humans have maintained a symbiotic relationship with these
industrious insects who sometimes have to visit two million flowers
to produce one kilo of honey. Bees are responsible for about a
third of the world's food production.2022-06-07T00:00:00+02:002022-06-07T00:00:00+02:00 uk@vitalabo.com living thing on our planet ages and dies. The span of life
expectancy varies greatly, ranging from a few hours for the mayfly
to 500 years for the Icelandic mussel. Sea anemones do not seem to
age at all, while the Greenland shark can live up to 400 years.
Other organisms die immediately after reproduction. Ageing is
undoubtedly a paradox.What happens when we age?Apart from the external signs - grey hair, wrinkles - we usually
give little thought to what happens in our body during the ageing
process. There is much debate in science about the mechanisms of
ageing. It is generally accepted that damage to cells and tissue,
i.e. to the genes, can no longer be repaired with age. According to
the Mark Planck Institute, the ageing process is characterised by
nine features:Genomic instability: The genetic information in the cell is
pathologically altered.Telomere wear: The shortening of the protective caps at the end
of the chromosome.Epigenetic changes: Changes in the chromosomes.Loss of proteostasis: Impaired protein homeostasis.Impaired perception of nutrientsMitochondrial dysfunction: muscle diseasesCellular senescence: Blockage of cell growthDepletion of stem cellsAltered intercellular communicationAgeing as a process of evolutionThese cellular and molecular changes during ageing make us less
healthy, and more vulnerable, but why does such a process develop?
The answer lies in evolution. Our environment is constantly
changing and all living things adapt to the circumstances. As a
result, better-adapted offspring must be provided with sufficient
resources from the parent generation to be able to grow and mature.
The parent generation makes room for the offspring and releases
these resources.Scientists are also concerned with two main ageing theories
proposed by evolutionary biologists Peter Medawar and George
Williams. Peter Medawar is regarded as a representative of the
"mutation accumulation theory". It states that the ultimate goal of
an organism is reproduction. After that, it no longer has any
evolutionary pressure, because survival is assured. George
Williams' "antagonistic pleiotropy" theory proposes that certain
genes that are useful when we are young, become harmful when we are
older. Nature cannot select these genes, which ultimately leads to
the death of the organism.Stay fit as you ageDespite everything, the ageing process can be at least delayed.
Sufficient exercise, enough sleep, a balanced diet and calorie
restriction enable the body to regenerate and repair itself.
Luckily, it's never too late to change your lifestyle! Even at the
age of 60, 70 or 80, everyday life can still be changed. Climbing
stairs or an adapted exercise program can bring new momentum. It
should be clear to us that the body has not adapted to the
overabundance of food in the western world in the course of
evolution. The right nutrients can also make a further
contribution. Raab Vitalfood supplies a range of everyday
nutritional supplements: OPC, resveratrol or even spermidine.
You're sure to find something that works for you!2022-05-27T00:00:00+02:002022-05-27T00:00:00+02:00 uk@vitalabo.com is no doubt that movement is an important part of our
everyday life. Sufficient exercise should be part of your day,
especially if you work in a sedentary or standing position. Through
sports and movement, the immune system is strengthened, stress is
reduced, tension is relieved and happiness hormones are released.
But if you just can't find the motivation to get started, it's
often because you chose the wrong sport. Because your sports
program only fulfils its purpose if you really have fun doing it.
Do you prefer gentle movements or do you like to tire yourself out?
Do you prefer to train alone or do you have more fun in a group? Do
you generally prefer to be outside or do you prefer to do sports in
a fitness centre or a hall? All these questions are important to
find the right form of movement for you.We've put together a list of some of our favourite forms of
exercise to help you find what you're looking for:SwimmingFor people who like to be in the water, and prefer training
soloEffect: Endurance sport, muscle strengthening, promotes
mobility of the shoulders.The different swimming techniques allow a lot of variety during
training. You can also decide whether you prefer to swim in the
indoor pool or outside in the open-air pool or in a lake. Swimming
is generally not a group sport, however, finding a group of
like-minded swimmers can provide additional motivation and the
exchange with each other can be a lot of fun.RunningFor Those who wish to improve endurance. Can be individual or
group basedEffect: strengthens the cardiovascular systemWhen you run, you keep setting new goals for yourself. You can
gradually increase your running distance, run time or speed through
efficient training. The goals you set always give you new
motivation. Trail running also offers variety and new challenges:
instead of the usual jogging round, head to your nearest hiking
trail or park, to bring new momentum and motivation to your
training.CyclingFor nature lovers. Both individual or group training are
possibleEffect: improves cardiovascular health, increases endurance,
strengthens the leg musclesYou can always set your own personal goals when riding a bike,
and riding in a group can be just as motivating. One benefit of
cycling is the ability to communicate.HikingFor whom: For nature lovers: Indoor, individual or group
trainingEffect: strengthens the cardiovascular systemHiking has become a popular hobby in recent years. More and more
people want to reach new heights! Whether alone or in a group - the
endurance sport offers a spectacular insight into flora and fauna,
while the body is trained holistically.At-Home WorkoutsFor everyone! A practical, solo training activityEffect: Varies depending on the chosen trainingSince the start of the Corona Pandemic, training opportunities
from the comfort of your own home have increased. Accessories,
training equipment and apps/online courses offer a wide range from
calisthenics - training with your own body weight -, to yoga,
Pilates, HIIT and much more. Enjoy the advantage of being able to
train directly in your living room! However, make sure that you
have enough freedom of movement, the right surface and are doing
the exercises correctly.Team SportsFor everyone who likes to train in a groupEffect: Varies depending on the sportHockey, volleyball, handball, football, basketball - the list of
team sports goes on and on. They are particularly popular with
sociable people and those looking to make friends. In addition to
endurance and strength, ball sports also improve the ability to
react and, of course, team spirit.DanceDance is for every one, and there are many options available
for people young and old! Dance is suitable for people who are
enthusiastic about sports, individual or group training, partner
trainingEffect: Strengthening of the entire body, helps reduce stress,
strengthens body awareness.Dancing is not only good for the body, but also the soul, which
benefits from the sounds of the music and lively movements. Dancing
is also particularly popular with couples. The feeling of having to
adjust to the other person strengthens cohesion and togetherness.
But Zumba, for example, is a lot of fun to do on your own.So have fun, and find the sport that keeps you
motivated!2022-05-11T00:00:00+02:002022-05-11T00:00:00+02:00 uk@vitalabo.com alpine pastures, sublime mountain landscapes,
crystal-clear mountain lakes, breathtaking waterfalls and much more
- hiking allows us a spectacular insight into nature. At the same
time, it keeps us young, fit and healthy. While we hike, alone or
in company, marvelling at beautiful paths, our fitness is improved
and our balance and strength are trained.Hiking is without question an endurance sport that can be
practised in all seasons. The degree of difficulty can be
determined by the route. Hiking is, therefore, suitable for every
person. Physical activity in the fresh air is often perceived as
very relaxing and sometimes meditative. Having achieved something
you set out to do represents a sense of accomplishment. At the same
time, body, soul and spirit recover from the stresses of life with
the power of nature, far away from the hustle and bustle.Things are Looking UpThe positive influence on the psyche plays a major role in
hiking. This is proven by the interdisciplinary study "Über'n
Berg", which was conducted by the Salzburg University Hospital
on suicide prevention in 2012 (link can be found
here). After a total of 9 weeks of hiking, the test subjects
stated that they had gained more self-confidence in the mountains
and felt less stress. Hiking thus not only trains our muscles, but
also our mind.Safety First!Nevertheless, there are some rules you have to follow when
hiking, especially if you have little or no experience in the
mountains, it is important to think about a few things before you
set off.The route must be well planned in advance and within your own
physical limits. Overestimating oneself can lead to accidents, even
among experienced hikers. If you are not sure, you should discuss
the route with someone who has experience in the mountains. This is
especially true if there are (small) children on the hike. A route
that is too strenuous can quickly become a stressful or even
dangerous situation. If you are travelling alone, it is best to
inform your accommodation, the host of the hut or other hikers
about your plans.The weather changes very quickly in the mountains. Basic
equipment with rain protection is absolutely indispensable. Don't
forget a water bottle and a small snack, as the posted huts may be
closed.Hiking is an activity in and with nature. Stick to the
indicated paths in order to protect the local flora and fauna. The
paths also protect hikers from falling rocks or other difficult
situations. Always follow the paths and the signposting.Beware of grazing animals! This is especially true when mother
animals want to protect their young. To avoid unpleasant incidents,
it is best to avoid them in a wide arc.Always take your rubbish with you! You bring it in, you take it
out.Last, but not least - footwear! You must adapt your shoes to
your chosen tour. This is another way to avoid accidents. Take your
time when choosing your shoes and also when tying your laces. This
will help you avoid painful pressure points and blisters. You
should also retie your shoes 15-30 minutes after you start walking
because they will have stretched due to the natural body heat
produced by your feet. The shoes can then be adjusted to fit your
feet even better.We wish you lots of fun and relaxing moments on the
trails!2022-04-21T00:00:00+02:002022-04-21T00:00:00+02:00 uk@vitalabo.com is an important macronutrient, but not all sources of
protein are created equal. When it comes to protein, there are two
major groups of protein sources that the human body can use: animal
proteins and plant proteins. Animal proteins are complete proteins,
meaning: they contain all the essential amino acids we need in our
diet. Plant proteins, however, are often incomplete sources of
protein, i.e. they do not contain all the essential amino acids our
bodies require. Plant proteins do offer other benefits, since a
diet rich in animal-based amino acids increases the risk of heart
disease and strokes.What Exactly is Protein?Protein is found everywhere in the body - in the muscles, bones,
skin, hair and virtually every other body part or tissue. Protein
makes enzymes that start many chemical reactions, as well as
haemoglobin, which carries oxygen in your blood.It's All About the Amino AcidsProteins consist of more than twenty basic building blocks, also
known as: amino acids. Since we can't store amino acids in our
bodies, our bodies make them in two different ways: either from
scratch or by modifying other amino acids. There are nine amino
acids, that the body cannot produce. These are known as "essential
amino acids". These essential amino acids must be ingested through
our food.As mentioned, animal proteins are complete proteins. They
provide all nine essential amino acids. Good examples of animal
proteins are: eggs, pork, poultry, beef or dairy products. Some
plant-based proteins are also complete proteins, like quinoa or soy
products. Most plant-based protein sources, however, are
incomplete, but since each source of plant-based protein contains a
different composition of the nine amino acids, you can simply eat a
variety of foods to still get all nine.It's About the Big PictureWhen we eat proteins, we also eat everything that goes with
them: the various fats, fibre, sodium, and more that these foods
are composed of. These additional nutrients make the difference
when we are evaluating the health values of the protein source. For
example, animal proteins contain saturated fatty acids that have a
negative effect on the cardiovascular system if we consume too much
of them, so we need to make sure we consume them in moderation.Benefits of Plant ProteinsThe types of protein you eat can be more important than the
amount of protein that you eat. Plant-based protein provides many
nutrients, fibre, and antioxidants that contribute to your overall
health. Well-known benefits of a plant-based diet include a lower
risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, or strokes, among other
benefits.Benefits of Animal ProteinsAnimal protein also has its health benefits. People who eat
mostly low-fat animal protein like poultry and fish, have a lower
risk of type 2 diabetes, a lower risk of heart disease, and a lower
risk of colon, stomach, pancreatic and prostate cancer (compared
with people who eat lots of red meat).Possible Problems with a Plant-based DietTo reap the benefits of a plant-based diet, you need to eat a
wide variety of healthy plant-based foods. A plant-based diet that
is high in processed foods and added sugars does not provide the
right nutrients or enough nutrients. Above all, make sure you have
a good supply of zinc, vitamin B12, protein, calcium and vitamin D
if you eat a purely plant-based diet.Risks From Eating Too Much Animal ProteinStudies show that eating both unprocessed and processed red meat
is associated with shorter lifespans.Protein and the PlanetJust as different foods can have different effects on our
health, they also have different effects on the environment.
Agriculture is one of the main causes of greenhouse gases
worldwide, but not every food produces the same amount of CO2.The production of animal-based foods generally causes higher
greenhouse gas emissions than the production of plant-based foods.
Dairy products and red meat in particular stand out due to their
disproportionately emissions. Here's an example: 1 kg of lamb
produces five times more greenhouse gas emissions than 1 kg of
chicken, and about 30 times more than the production of 1 kg of
lentils.This means that the amount of animal protein that we consume has
a big impact on our environmental footprints.SummaryEating healthy sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, fish, or
poultry, instead of red meat and processed meat can reduce your
risk of various diseases and could contribute to a longer life. In
the end, it's more important to eat a balanced, varied diet, than
it is to focus on whether we eat plant proteins or animal
proteins.2022-04-11T00:00:00+02:002022-04-11T00:00:00+02:00 uk@vitalabo.com is a big subject. You've probably heard that you have
to hold a stretch for so long to gain long-term flexibility. You
may have heard that you shouldn't rock back and forth while
stretching, as it could lead to a muscle tear. Have you heard that
you should stretch before exercising? Amazingly, none of these
statements are true - but how do we know what is true? Let's start
with the basics:Do I Need to Stretch at All?Generally, you don't have to stretch, but it's a good idea
because it maintains flexibility, especially as you age. Regular
stretching can help keep your hips and hamstrings flexible as you
get older.If you have poor posture, make a habit of stretching regularly.
If you have back pain that stems from sitting at a desk all day,
stretches that reverse this posture can also help. Stretching isn't
a must, but it's a great idea.Should I Stretch Before Exercising?Not necessarily. Stretching before exercise hasn't been proven
to help prevent injuries, relieve post-workout muscle soreness, or
improve performance.Studies have shown that static stretching (stretching a muscle
to the max and holding it for 15 to 30 seconds) before training can
affect performance, as holding a stretch tires the muscles. You're
better off warming up with low intensity dynamic stretches that
gently move your muscles through a full range of motion.Should I Stretch After Exercising?After your workout is a great time to stretch because your
muscles and joints are warmed up and your blood is well circulated,
making you more flexible.After a workout, static stretching exercises benefit the body
most. It's best to wait a bit after exercising before stretching,
though - take a walk to cool down before getting right to it.How Long Should I Hold a Stretch?Static stretching doesn't hurt as long as you don't stretch to
the point of pain.However, studies show that dynamic stretching is just as
effective and sometimes even better for the body, especially before
a workout. With any stretch, whether it's static or dynamic, you
should feel the stretch, but not be in pain.Can You Stretch Anytime?Yes. Stretching regularly is more important than when you
stretch, or whether you stretch before or after a workout. You can
stretch in the morning, before bed, or during breaks from work. In
any case, it's best to make stretching a habitual part of your
life.2022-03-28T00:00:00+02:002022-03-28T00:00:00+02:00 uk@vitalabo.com fascia roller is a foam device that can be used to loosen
myofascial muscles. It can help relieve muscle tension, soreness
and inflammation and improve joint mobility.Fascia rollers are also an effective way to warm up or cool down
before and after exercise.Possible Positive Effects of Fascia RollersFascia rollers have not been around that long, which is why
there are still no confirmed scientific results about positive
effects. Nevertheless, we would like to take a closer look at some
of the possible positive effects that are claimed, especially by
manufacturers, and test the truth of the statements.1. Alleviation of Muscle PainFoam rollers could relieve sore muscles and reduce inflammation
- there are initial indications of this, but these first need to be
scientifically confirmed.2. Increased Range of MotionFoam rollers could help increase range of motion, leading to
greater flexibility and performance. Again, more research is
needed.3. Temporary Reduction of CelluliteSuppliers of some fascia rollers claim that the products can
help loosen and break up fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue of
the body and contributes to the appearance of cellulite. While
using a fascia roller may help to smooth the skin temporarily,
there is currently no scientific evidence that it can reduce
cellulite permanently.4. Relieve Back PainUsing fascia rollers can be an effective way to relieve pain in
the body. They can also help relieve tension in the back. However,
care should be taken when using a foam roller for the back. It is
easy to put further strain or injury on the back. So you should
always use a fascia roller only after professional guidance for
back pain.5. RelaxationMany people find foam rollers relaxing. Releasing tension in the
muscles can help you feel less tense and therefore calmer. However,
there is little evidence that foam rollers actually help you relax.
It could also be a relaxation response more generally because they
are doing something for themselves and the body.Are Fascia Rollers Safe?As with any sports equipment, correct use is crucial. If you
perform the movements incorrectly, the risk of injury increases.
However, in general, foam rollers are considered safe to use if you
suffer from muscle tension or exercise regularly. Caution is
advised if you have a serious injury such as a muscle tear, unless
your doctor or physiotherapist has given you prior approval. Also
avoid rolling over small joints such as knees, elbows and ankles as
you could overstretch or injure them.How to Choose the Right Foam RollerA foam roller is usually cylindrical in shape and made of dense
foam. These foam rollers come in different sizes and shapes and
with different degrees of hardness.Because of this wide selection, it may take some time to find
the right foam roller for you. It is best to try out different
models, degrees of hardness and sizes before you decide on one.As a general rule, a shorter roller is more effective for
smaller areas such as arms and calves. Shorter rollers are also
easier to transport.Let's take a closer look at some models:Smooth rollers are known for their smooth, dense foam surface.
They are best for people who are working with foam rollers for the
first time. They offer an even texture and do not have as intense
an effect as rollers with a profile.Rollers with a profile have grooves and nubs. They are used to
penetrate deeper into the muscles to release tension more
effectively.There are also foam-covered massage sticks. These can be used
for a deep massage of the legs or upper back.Foam massage balls can be used specifically for individual
muscle areas.Tips for Getting StartedFirst of all, you should always seek medical advice and clarify
whether it is possible for you to use a fascia roller without any
problems.Then you should learn how to use a fascia roller the first few
times under professional guidance. In this way, you will
considerably reduce the risk of injury because any incorrect
postures can be compensated for.Start with light pressure and increase as you get used to foam
rolling. If your muscles are tight, foam rolling can be painful at
first. To adjust the pressure, reduce the bodyweight you put on the
roller. For example, when rolling your calf, support your body with
your arms and take some of your body weight off the roller.Roll slowly over the sensitive areas for 10 seconds at first
and then increase to 30 to 60 seconds at a time.Drink plenty of water afterwards to aid recovery.If you add a foam roller to your warm-up and cool-down routine,
you may feel less muscle soreness in the following days.2022-03-14T00:00:00+01:002022-03-14T00:00:00+01:00 uk@vitalabo.com or cold cooking - which oil can be used for what?Cooking oils have very different properties and flavours
depending on the type, quality and production process. On the one
hand, this means that not every oil goes well with every dish, and
on the other hand, you have to be careful which oil you use for
preparing hot dishes, i.e. for baking, frying and the like.Cold-pressed and refined oils - what is the difference?Cold-pressed means that kernels, fruits or seeds are pressed out
purely mechanically. These oils are also called virgin, i.e.
natural. This production method preserves the smell and taste as
well as many vitamins and other ingredients. Cold-pressed oils have
an intense aroma and are perfect for salads. For native oils, the
quality requirements are very high because only the best plants
produce the best flavour. The disadvantage is that these oils are
not really heat-stable. At very high temperatures, flavour and
ingredients are lost. Some oils should not be heated at all, such
as linseed oil. This can produce toxic substances.Refined oils are very heat-resistant because the seeds and
fruits are not only pressed but also heated to high temperatures.
Afterwards, the oil has to be cleaned, i.e. refined. This makes
refined oils practically tasteless and odourless and perfect for
preparing all hot dishes where no flavour influence of the oil is
desired, e.g. deep frying. Refined oils are heat stable up to about
230 degrees. For refined oils, the quality requirements for the raw
materials are lower because the oil has almost no flavour of its
own after production anyway.Fatty acids and smoke point determine useThe fatty acids contained in the oil and the smoke point
determine which oil is suitable for preparing cold dishes and which
is also suitable for baking, deep-frying and frying.The higher the content of unsaturated fatty acids, the less heat
an oil can tolerate. The lower the smoke point, the more likely the
oil is to smoke during frying and deep-frying. Cold-pressed edible
oils have a lower smoke point than refined oils of the same plant
species. The smoke point of rapeseed oil, for example, is between
160 and 180 °C when cold-pressed and over 210 °C when refined.Are cold-pressed edible oils healthier than refined oils?Cold-pressed oils contain many vitamins and other ingredients,
but the composition of fatty acids, which is mainly responsible for
the health value of oils, is practically the same in refined and
cold-pressed oils of one plant variety.What is the shelf life of edible oils?Once an oil has been opened, it should above all be stored in a
cool, dark and airtight place, because light, heat and oxygen
accelerate the deterioration of the oil. It is best to trust your
own senses. If the oil smells or tastes rancid, you should discard
it. Rancid oil is not immediately harmful to health, but it
completely spoils the taste of the food.In general, refined oils last about six to eight months after
opening, cold-pressed oils about two.How to dispose of old cooking oil properly?Please never pour old or leftover cooking oil down the drain.
Because fat is not soluble in water, it creates fat deposits that
clog sewer pipes and cause millions of dollars in damage. It is
better to dispose of the oil in the residual waste (if the oil is
liquid, e.g. in the original packaging or in an old jam jar with a
screw cap). Larger quantities of used oil can be disposed of at
recycling centres.So lets recap:In general, cold-pressed oils should be used for cold cooking,
refined oils for hot cooking. However, there are also some
cold-pressed oils that are suitable for frying and deep-frying to a
certain extent.Store cooking oils in a dark, airtight and cool place.When you dispose of cooking oil, do so in a container with the
residual waste - never pour it down the drain!2022-03-03T00:00:00+01:002022-03-03T00:00:00+01:00 uk@vitalabo.com today's performance-oriented society, sleep is often
perceived as a nuisance, as it is the time when one is only
unproductive. You can find advice everywhere on how to use your
time more efficiently, and this also applies to sleep. There are
people who swear by polyphasic sleep and then only take a
twenty-minute power nap every three hours instead of really
sleeping. The time saved in this way is put into work or
self-optimisation. Meanwhile, however, there is growing evidence
that sleep is not a bug, but a feature - and we should treat it
accordingly.A new study by a French-British epidemiology team looked at data
from 7,959 British civil servants who took part in the Whitehall II
study between 1985 and 2016. In it, the civil servants were asked
about their sleep habits six times during the duration of the
study. Of the subjects who were 50 years old at the start of the
study, 521 developed dementia by the end of the study, with an
average age of 77.Brain changes that lead to dementia in the long term (e.g.
protein deposits in Alzheimer's disease) begin around 15 to 20
years before the onset of symptoms typical of dementia, such as
memory problems. Because the study duration was 25 years, it turned
out that a lack of sleep occurring five to ten years before
dementia was diagnosed made dementia more likely.Subjects who reported sleeping six hours or less per night
between the ages of 50 and 60 had a 30 per cent increased risk of
dementia compared to those who slept seven or more hours. This
figure was obtained when socio-demographic factors such as alcohol
consumption, smoking, obesity, dietary habits, physical activity
... were taken out of the equation. At first glance, this 30
percent does not sound shockingly high. However, if one now
includes all these unhealthy lifestyle habits and factors, the
combination of risk factors could be far more than enough to make
dementia practically certain in certain cases.In addition, an American study came to similar conclusions.
Here, five hours of sleep or less per night was associated with
twice the risk of dementia.Why is sleep so important?The question that now arises is why a short duration of sleep
promotes the likelihood of dementia. The answer to this is not yet
fully understood, but at the moment the most likely reason is that
the removal of waste products plays a role. Because the brain needs
20 per cent of the body's total energy, it naturally produces a lot
of waste products during the course of the day, such as protein
waste, dead cells, etc. These substances are toxic for the nerve
cells and must be removed regularly. An example that many people
know is when you sleep very little or hardly at all during the
night. Then there is a high probability that you will have a
headache the next day, for example. The reason for this is that not
enough toxins have been removed. What already has an effect after
one day can have even greater negative effects in the long term,
including a reduction in the ability to think and remember. Only
when we get enough sleep is the waste effectively disposed of. In
addition, these waste disposal processes in the brain during sleep
function less effectively with increasing age. Lack of sleep can
therefore set a vicious circle in motion because the already poorly
functioning system then has even less time to work.Sleep well - but how?We live in a time when good sleep is becoming increasingly rare.
One reason is screen time, which is constantly increasing.
Basically, good sleep etiquette is important. For example:You should not look at a screen for at least one hour before
going to bedDo not drink alcohol in the eveningDo not drink alcohol for at least four, but preferably eight
hours before going to bed.Always go to bed at the same timeMake sure the bedroom is well darkenedRelaxIf, despite all these measures, you suffer from a persistent
sleep disorder, it is important to seek professional or medical
advice so that the problem can be clarified and the causes
found.With this in mind: we wish you pleasant, good, deep and above
all long sleep.2022-02-21T00:00:00+01:002022-02-21T00:00:00+01:00 uk@vitalabo.com is not only a great thing for young people but also brings
many benefits to older people. More than that, exercise is
actively recommended for older people.For example, studies show that physical activity can prevent the
consequences of falls and reduce the risk of losing independence.
What should be noted, however, is that not all types of sport are
equally suitable for older people.Here is an overview and some advice on physical exercises that
are suitable for older people.The Benefits of Exercise for Older PeopleMuscle mass decreases steadily shortly after the age of 30.
However, because this happens very slowly, most people do not
notice it. After the age of 50, however, this process accelerates
noticeably. In addition, shortness of breath increases with ageing,
weight gain is common and physical balance weakens.The ability of older people to remain independent also
decreases, and the risk of falling increases. This is why
inactivity can be so risky for older people. To combat these
consequences, gentle exercise can be good therapy.Regular physical activity helps toReduce the risk of fallsReduce the risk of obesityReduce stress and prevent heart diseaseHelp lower cholesterol levelsFight osteoporosisImprove the immune systemMaintain muscle massCreate social bonds and reduce the risk of depressionConsider your Physical ConditionBefore embarking on a new physical and sporting activity, you
need to know and consider your abilities. It is important to talk
about it with a doctor or a sports medicine specialist to check if
the activity is suitable for your health condition. Depending on
the results, you can then adapt your exercise habits to your health
condition.In any case, you should take some precautions, especially if you
are just starting to exercise again:Do not jump into a physical activity overnight: Training must
start slowly and then be increased gradually.Regularity is important to achieve good results and avoid
injuries.Avoid sporting competitions and extreme efforts.Wear appropriate equipment: choose suitable shoes and clothing
for the type of sport.Make sure to drink enough during sports.Which Sports are Suitable for Older People?Physical performance after the age of 50 is quite different from
when you are 20. That's why you can't do every sport you did when
you were younger. However, fitness and flexibility can be improved
at any age.Some sports are not recommended in old age, especially if you
have never done them before. These include skiing or racquet sports
such as tennis and squash, which can overload the joints. Running
could also be too strenuous for the heart and knees of older
people. However, there are many sports that are perfect for older
people. Here are a few suggestions:YogaYoga aims to harmonise body and mind. It is based on gentle,
sequential movements and breathing techniques that relax the
muscles. Yoga makes the joints supple.Nordic WalkingNordic walking is a sport practised in Scandinavia to make fast
progress on snow-covered fields. Unlike traditional walking or
hiking, Nordic walking is done with poles.The vertical and horizontal pushing of the poles trains the
arms, chest muscles, shoulders and glutes. This balanced and
harmonious endurance training produces less shock and vibration
than running. In fact, the poles reduce more than a third of the
weight that acts on the knees. It is therefore much better for the
joints.GymnasticsIn indoor gymnastics, the movements can be adapted to the needs
of older people. The exercises are generally done in groups and
allow the body to be strengthened and toned. Aqua gymnastics is
also an excellent method of keeping fit that is easy on the joints.
In the water, you feel light because your body weighs less than a
tenth of its actual weight. The muscle work is more intense than in
a gymnastics class, without you even realising it.Bodybuilding/Strength TrainingBodybuilding and strength training are beneficial because they
allow you to target specific muscle groups and get very fit overall
- if practised sensibly. If you put too much weight on, it puts a
lot of strain on your joints and often leads to injuries.Tai ChiTai Chi originated in China and enables older people to maintain
beneficial physical activity despite health problems such as
arthritis or heart problems.This sport strengthens muscle tone and improves balance and
flexibility thanks to the flowing and slow movements. However, it
is important that trainers are specially trained to work with older
people.CyclingCycling is good for people who suffer from degenerative
arthritis in the hips, ankles and knees (except for severe
degenerative arthritis in the knee) or for people who are
overweight, because this sport is extremely easy on the joints.All Beginnings are EasyStarting a sport is usually an easy step if you take it easy and
don't overdo it. However, in order to maintain the activity, some
rules should be followed. It is necessary to avoid constraints when
practising the sport. Exercise must remain a pleasure. It can be
strenuous, but above all, it must remain playful, otherwise you
will not last. Do not overexert yourself. The frequency and
duration of physical activity must remain within reasonable limits.
Otherwise, the susceptibility to injury increases.Physical activity is possible at any age if you have enough good
will, self-confidence and knowledge of your own limits. So there
are no excuses. Just start with something you enjoy and you will
notice the positive effects after a few weeks.